Monday, June 5, 2017


Mark 11:24 says, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” The moment we ask God for something—the moment we do our part and plant our seed of faith—we should believe God that the answer is on its way. It is important to expect our miracle so we can recognize it and reach forth to take it when it comes. And it’s also important to remember that God controls the time and method He will use to give back to us. We must keep trusting God and expecting our miracle, no matter how long it takes to reach us.
So, give God something to work with. No matter how little imagination you have, sow it in joy and faith, knowing in your heart that you are sowing seed so you may reap miracles. Then start expecting all kinds of miracles! Remember, God always sends the right answer at the right time, in the right way. His timing and methods are always exactly right for our lives NEVER out of sync!
According to Romans 12:3, God has already given us all the faith we need. But if we want to receive what we need from the Lord, we have to release that faith back to God through an act of our believing.
A point of contact provides a way for us to act on our belief, and when we do that, we release our faith to God. What a point of contact does is to set the time and place for your miracle to begin
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Friday, June 2, 2017

What is your measure of FAITH?
Trials come to test your faith.

Faith is a seed that is required to produce Kingdom fruit.  In the development of any skill, continual practice is required to cultivate and develop your faith in a greater magnitude. To become proficient in anything, it take practice and discipline to get it to perfection.
How you think and meditate about any given situation determines how you think and visualize it will allow it to manifest. The saying you are what you eat; then same thing refers to…you are what you think  and can have what you say. You control what is released from out of your own mouth. But someone who know the spiritual dynamics concerning the sowing and reaping process utilize it in accuracy.

Surround yourself around those who inspire, motivate and encourage your faith to reproduce.

THE FAITH SEED: When we put our faith in God’s hands like a seed we plant, we are giving God something to work with, and He will send the miracle we need. No matter how small our faith seems to be, it will meet needs and solve problems that appear as impossible to move as mountains. This is because each act of faith is a seed planted and will be multiplied many times.
READ - Hebrews 11:1